We in the hospital have been reflecting that sometimes what you THINK will be difficult, often doesn't turn out to be as bad as you might have thought. And sometimes you prepare for one thing, you are all set, and then the hard thing was something that you did not expect. Pretty much how this is working for me right now.
Leslie has been right here with me through all and everything; she is the greatest blessing. The kids have also been here and spent lots of time with me, and that helps tremendously. They are giving up so much of their holiday and I appreciate them all. My sister Doris flew out and is staying for a few days, and it is lovely to have her here too. All the many, many comments on FB and here are reassuring and give me the "home team advantage", and I thank your for that. The nursing team here at UW is FANTASTIC! Not only are they supportive and interesting individuals, but I have also gotten to observe their teamwork and processes over time and I am very impressed.
So I am in a good place and being well cared for, but time will have to take its course and we will get this figured out. Thanks!