Situational, Functional, Relational Leadership Models | Feb 27-28 Hackman and Johnson 77-86, 87-90, and 90-97 Transactional, Transformational, and Charismatic Leadership | March 6-7 Hackman and Johnson 99-134 Shakespeare, Henry V, Act 4, scene 3
Visionary and Authentic Leadership | March 13-14 Hackman and Johnson 112-121 (yes it is a repeat) "What Inspiring Leaders Do," Zenger and Folkman, Harvard Business Review
Power and Leadership | March 20-21 Hackman and Johnson 135-164 Machiavelli readings assigned in class
Mindset -- Book by Carol Dweck One single reading, in advance or over the Spring Break
Applying the Mindset to Leadership | April 3-4 Go ahead and read the whole thing, but the parts we will focus on are pages 1-81, 108-143, 173-246
Back to our Regularly Scheduled Readings
Moral Leadership | April 10-11 Hackman and Johnson 335-371
Servant Leadership | April 17-18
Followership | April 24-25 Hackman and Johnson 19-21
Decision-Making | May 2-3 Hackman and Johnson 211-216